C. Timm
Schallreaktionen bei Nachtfaltern
Numerous Noctuides and Geometrides show quite mistakable reactions upon sound stimulations ranging from 10,000 to 20,0000 vib/sec (Hertz). The lowest limit range of perception seems to lie at 40,000 up to 80,000 vib/sec. The reactions of sitting or walking animals are instant movements of flight or catalepsy. Flying animals try evasion or stop their flight at once. Sleeping animals can not be roused by sound stimulation. There are no sound reactions if both tympani are pierced. The Noctuides and Geometrides seem to perceive the supersonic echolocation cries of bats by aid of their tympanal organs.
Über den adäquaten Reiz des Bogengangsystems
An analysis is given of the processes in the semicircular canals during adequate stimulation, emphasizing especially the forces acting on the cupula itself. In this way it is possible to understand the physical and physiological phenomena in straight-lined and rotation movements.
Das H�rverm�gen der Nachtschmetterlinge
An zahlreichen Exemplaren von Noctuiden, Geometriden, Notodontiden und Arctiiden wurden Reaktionen auf Schallwellen des Frequenzbereiches 15–175 kHz beobachtet, die samtlich Flucht- oder Totstellreaktionen waren und nach Haufigkeit und Intensitat ihre niedrigste Schwelle im Bereich von 40–80 kHz haben.