S. Pashaj
EP11.09: Are femur and humerus lengths measured exactly by 3D ultrasound reliable parameters for the detection of Trisomy 21 in the second trimester?
Biometry of the fetal corpus callosum by three-dimensional ultrasound
Objectives To construct reference ranges of quantitative characteristics of the fetal corpus callosum. Methods Women referred to a tertiary center for sonographic examination were recruited to undergo a detailed fetal scan from 17 to 41 weeks of gestation. Three-dimensional (3D) sonographic volumes of normal fetal brains were acquired and analyzed offline. We obtained three different measurements of the corpus callosal length, as well as the height (/thickness) of its segments, namely the rostrum, genu, body and splenium. Results Initially we recruited 604 pregnant women, of whom 138 were excluded because of various disorders/abnormalities, multiple pregnancy or gestational age < 18 weeks. …