Frode Kroglund

Condition-dependent skipped spawning in anadromous brown trout (Salmo trutta)

Repeat spawners of anadromous salmonids may contribute significantly to population resilience by providing multiple cohorts to both seawater and freshwater life stages. In this study, winter survival of sea trout (Salmo trutta Linnaeus, 1758) post spawners (kelts) was 89%. Sea survival increased linearly with female length with a return probability between 30% and 50%, whereas males attained a maximum return probability of 60% at 520 mm. Of the returning sea trout, 40% skipped spawning and they had significantly lower condition factor as kelts compared with those who returned after one summer. These results suggest that sex-specific differences in individual post-spawning growth–survival t…

research product

Common mechanisms for guidance efficiency of descending Atlantic salmon smolts in small and large hydroelectric power plants

research product

Migratory passage structures at hydropower plants as potential physiological and behavioural selective agents

Anthropogenic activities affect fish populations worldwide. River dams have profound impacts on ecosystems by changing habitats and hindering migration. In an effort to counteract such effects, a range of mitigation measures have been installed at hydroelectric power plants. However, not all individuals in a population use these measures, potentially creating strong selection processes at hydroelectric power plants. This may be especially true during migration; fish can get heavily delayed or pass through a hydropower turbine, thus facing increased mortality compared with those using a safe bypass route. In this study, we quantify migration route choices of descending wild passive integrate…

research product