Mari Tuokko
Working the fields of big data : Using big-data-augmented online ethnography to study candidate–candidate interaction at election time
The paper proposes big-data-augmented ethnography as a novel mixed-methods approach to studying political discussions in a hybrid media system. Using such empirical setup, the authors examined candidate–candidate online interaction during election campaigning. Candidate–candidate interaction crossing party boundaries is scarce and occurs in the form of negative campaigning via social media, with the shaming of rival candidates and engaging in battles with them. The authors posit that ethnographic observations can be used to contextualize the computational analysis of large data sets, while computational analysis can be applied to validate and generalize the findings made through ethnography…
sj-pdf-1-sms-10.1177_2056305120903856 – Supplemental material for Platformed Interactions: How Social Media Platforms Relate to Candidate–Constituent Interaction During Finnish 2015 Election Campaigning
Supplemental material, sj-pdf-1-sms-10.1177_2056305120903856 for Platformed Interactions: How Social Media Platforms Relate to Candidate–Constituent Interaction During Finnish 2015 Election Campaigning by Matti Nelimarkka, Salla-Maaria Laaksonen, Mari Tuokko and Tarja Valkonen in Social Media + Society
Ehdokkaiden ja kansalaisten vuorovaikutus sosiaalisessa mediassa vaalikampanjoinnin aikana
Tässä pro gradu -työssä tarkastellaan ehdokkaiden ja kansalaisten välistä vuorovaikutusta sosiaalisessa mediassa eduskuntavaalien 2015 kampanjoinnin aikana. Päätavoitteena on kuvata ja ymmärtää sitä, millaisia vuorovaikutuksen funktioita sekä topiikkeja ehdokkaiden ja kansalaisten välisessä keskustelussa Twitterissä ja Facebookissa esiintyy vaalikampanjoinnin aikana. Tutkimuksen aineisto kerättiin sosiaalisen mediasta laskennallisen yhteiskuntatieteen menetelmiä hyödyntäen eduskuntavaalien 2015 aikana. Aineistoksi valikoitiin Twitteristä ja Facebookista systemaattisesti keskusteluketjuja (N=433), joihin osallistui sekä ehdokkaita että kansalaisia. Tutkimus toteutettiin vuorovaikutusanalyysi…
sj-pdf-1-sms-10.1177_2056305120903856 – Supplemental material for Platformed Interactions: How Social Media Platforms Relate to Candidate–Constituent Interaction During Finnish 2015 Election Campaigning
Supplemental material, sj-pdf-1-sms-10.1177_2056305120903856 for Platformed Interactions: How Social Media Platforms Relate to Candidate–Constituent Interaction During Finnish 2015 Election Campaigning by Matti Nelimarkka, Salla-Maaria Laaksonen, Mari Tuokko and Tarja Valkonen in Social Media + Society
Platformed Interactions: How Social Media Platforms Relate to Candidate–Constituent Interaction During Finnish 2015 Election Campaigning
Interaction between candidates and constituents via social media is a well-studied domain. The article takes this research further through a synthesis with platform studies, emerging scholarship that applies a critical perspective to the role of digital platforms in society. Examination of candidate–constituent interaction via Twitter and Facebook during the 2015 Finnish parliamentary elections revealed that the types of interaction differ between the two platforms: Facebook was used for formal campaigning and for praising and expressing support, while Twitter was utilized for information and for seeking and sharing opinions. An additional finding is that interaction approaches may be plat…
appendices – Supplemental material for Platformed Interactions: How Social Media Platforms Relate to Candidate–Constituent Interaction During Finnish 2015 Election Campaigning
Supplemental material, appendices for Platformed Interactions: How Social Media Platforms Relate to Candidate–Constituent Interaction During Finnish 2015 Election Campaigning by Matti Nelimarkka, Salla-Maaria Laaksonen, Mari Tuokko and Tarja Valkonen in Social Media + Society