Hermann Metzger
Der O2-Austausch zwischen Capillaren und Gewebe I. O2-Konzentrationsprofile in Blutcapillaren und deren Umgebung
The differential equations valid for technical heat exchangers can also describe the O2 exchange in the blood capillaries and the exchange of molecules like THO and acetamid in the renal tubules. Differences in the boundary conditions occur, however. Hence, these differential equations were resolved for the corresponding boundary conditions. The results permit us to conclude that the concentration profiles occurring in the capillaries and renal tubules, as a result of diffusion in the capillary cross-section, can, generally speaking, be disregarded for the following reason: Although the differences in partial pressure between the capillary wall and capillary centre, at the beginning of the …
Geometric Considerations in Modeling Oxygen Transport Processes in Tissue
Numerical solution of partial differential equations describing transport processes in capillaries and tissue is used for calculation of oxygen transport to brain tissue. Calculation is based on a three-dimensional network model which covers inhomogeneities in capillary blood flow in a relation of 27:1, This study was performed in order to obtain information about the influence of the main physiological parameters on oxygen tension frequency distribution pattern. Following results were obtained: a)Increase (or decrease) of the oxygen consumption rate in tissue to about twice (or half) of the normal case for cerebral grey matter causes an extreme left (or right) shift of the oxygen tension f…
Distribution of oxygen partial pressure in a two-dimensional tissue supplied by capillary meshes and concurrent and countercurrent systems
Abstract For the calculations of oxygen partial pressure in a two-dimensional tissue model supplied by a capillary network (inhomogeneously perfused tissue), two differential equations are given that describe the process in the tissue and capillaries. The differential equations are coupled by the boundary conditions. Results obtained by using the method of successive displacements are given for the two-dimensional problem. This method exhibits a satisfactory convergence. The accuracy of the results is about ±5% based on the initial concentration. The results for the network model are compared with those for equivalent concurrent and countercurrent systems. Equivalence means in this connecti…