J. A. Miralles

A Divergence-Free High-Resolution Code for MHD

We describe a 2.5D numerical code to solve the equations of ideal magnetohydrodynamics (MHD). The numerical code, based on high-resolution shock-capturing (HRSC) techniques, solves the equations written in conservation form and computes the numerical fluxes using a linearized Riemann solver. A special procedure is used to force the conservation of magnetic flux along the time.

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Riemann Solvers in General Relativistic Hydrodynamics

Our contribution concerns with the numerical solution of the 3D general relativistic hydrodynamical system of equations within the framework of the 3+1 formalism. We summarize the theoretical ingredients which are necessary in order to build up a numerical scheme based on the solution of local Riemann problems. Hence, the full spectral decomposition of the Jacobian matrices of the system, i.e., the eigenvalues and the right and left eigenvectors, is explicitly shown. An alternative approach consists in using any of the special relativistic Riemann solvers recently developed for describing the evolution of special relativistic flows. Our proposal relies on a local change of coordinates in te…

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Resonant Kelvin-Helmholtz modes in sheared relativistic flows

Qualitatively new aspects of the (linear and non-linear) stability of sheared relativistic (slab) jets are analyzed. The linear problem has been solved for a wide range of jet models well inside the ultrarelativistic domain (flow Lorentz factors up to 20; specific internal energies $\approx 60c^2$). As a distinct feature of our work, we have combined the analytical linear approach with high-resolution relativistic hydrodynamical simulations, which has allowed us i) to identify, in the linear regime, resonant modes specific to the relativistic shear layer ii) to confirm the result of the linear analysis with numerical simulations and, iii) more interestingly, to follow the instability develo…

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On numerical relativistic hydrodynamics and barotropic equations of state

The characteristic formulation of the relativistic hydrodynamic equations (Donat et al 1998 J. Comput. Phys. 146 58), which has been implemented in many relativistic hydro-codes that make use of Godunov-type methods, has to be slightly modified in the case of evolving barotropic flows. For a barotropic equation of state, a removable singularity appears in one of the eigenvectors. The singularity can be avoided by means of a simple renormalization which makes the system of eigenvectors well defined and complete. An alternative strategy for the particular case of barotropic flows is discussed.

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Stability analysis of relativistic jets from collapsars and its implications on the short-term variability of gamma-ray bursts

We consider the transverse structure and stability properties of relativistic jets formed in the course of the collapse of a massive progenitor. Our numerical simulations show the presence of a strong shear in the bulk velocity of such jets. This shear can be responsible for a very rapid shear--driven instability that arises for any velocity profile. This conclusion has been confirmed both by numerical simulations and theoretical analysis. The instability leads to rapid fluctuations of the main hydrodynamical parameters (density, pressure, Lorentz factor, etc.). However, the perturbations of the density are effectively decoupled from those of the pressure because the beam of the jet is radi…

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Relativistic MHD simulations of extragalactic jets

We have performed a comprehensive parameter study of the morphology and dynamics of axisymmetric, magnetized, relativistic jets by means of numerical simulations. The simulations have been performed with an upgraded version of the GENESIS code which is based on a second-order accurate finite volume method involving an approximate Riemann solver suitable for relativistic ideal magnetohydrodynamic flows, and a method of lines. Starting from pure hydrodynamic models we consider the effect of a magnetic field of increasing strength (up to β ≡ |b|2/2p ≈ 3.3 times the equipartition value) and different topology (purely toroidal or poloidal). We computed several series of models investigating the …

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Gravitational radiation from the magnetic field of a strongly magnetized star

We consider the electromagnetic (e.m.) field of a compact strongly magnetized star. The star is idealized as a perfect conducting sphere, rigidly rotating in a vacuum, with a magnetic moment not aligned with its rotation axis. Then we use the exterior e.m. solution, obtained by Deutsch (1955) in his classic paper, to calculate the gravitational waves emitted by the e.m. field when its wavelength is much longer than the radius of the star. In some astrophysical situations, this gravitational radiation can overcome the quadrupole one emitted by the matter of the star, and, for some magnetars, would be detectable in the near future, once the present detectors, planned or under construction, be…

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A Roe-type Riemann solver based on the spectral decomposition of the equations of Relativistic Magnetohydrodynamics

In a recent paper (Ant\'on et al. 2010) we have derived sets of right and left eigenvectors of the Jacobians of the relativistic MHD equations, which are regular and span a complete basis in any physical state including degenerate ones. We present a summary of the main steps followed in the above derivation and the numerical experiments carried out with the linearized (Roe-type) Riemann solver we have developed, and some note on the (non-)convex character of the relativistic MHD equations.

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A Roe-type Riemann Solver Based on the Spectral Decomposition of the Equations of Relativistic Magnetohydrodynamics

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On the convexity of relativistic ideal magnetohydrodynamics

We analyze the influence of the magnetic field in the convexity properties of the relativistic magnetohydrodynamics system of equations. To this purpose we use the approach of Lax, based on the analysis of the linearly degenerate/genuinely non-linear nature of the characteristic fields. Degenerate and non-degenerate states are discussed separately and the non-relativistic, unmagnetized limits are properly recovered. The characteristic fields corresponding to the material and Alfv\'en waves are linearly degenerate and, then, not affected by the convexity issue. The analysis of the characteristic fields associated with the magnetosonic waves reveals, however, a dependence of the convexity con…

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