Maide Nesibe Macit
Supplement 1: from Molecular regulation of lifespan extension in fertile ant workers
Additional methodological information, results and figures
Molecular regulation of lifespan extension in fertile ant workers.
The evolution of sociality in insects caused a divergence in lifespan between reproductive and non-reproductive castes. Ant queens can live for decades, while most workers survive only weeks to a few years. In most organisms, longevity is traded-off with reproduction, but in social insects, these two life-history traits are positively linked. Once fertility is induced in workers, e.g. by queen removal, worker lifespan increases. The molecular regulation of this positive link between fecundity and longevity and generally the molecular underpinnings of caste-specific senescence are not well understood. Here, we investigate the transcriptomic regulation of lifespan and reproduction in fat bod…
Supplement 4: from Molecular regulation of lifespan extension in fertile ant workers
Result tables of GO enrichments
Supplement 2: from Molecular regulation of lifespan extension in fertile ant workers
R scripts of DeSeq2 and statistical analyses
Supplement 3: from Molecular regulation of lifespan extension in fertile ant workers
List of differentially expressed genes
Supplement 5: from Molecular regulation of lifespan extension in fertile ant workers
Information on all differentially expressed transcripts