Maria Gabriella Ceravolo

How many parkinsonian patients are suitable candidates for deep brain stimulation of subthalamic nucleus? Results of a questionnaire.

We used a CAPSIT-based questionnaire to estimate the percentage of parkinsonian patients suitable for subthalamic nucleus (STN) deep brain stimulation (DBS) in a movement disorders clinic. We found that out of 641 consecutive PD patients only 1.6% fulfilled strict STN-DBS criteria. When we applied more flexible criteria, the percentage of eligibility increased to 4.5%. Most patients (60%) were ineligible because they did not satisfy multiple questionnaire items. Items related to disease severity were responsible for the largest number of exclusions. This knowledge will help make decisions on resource allocation in centres wishing to start DBS surgery.

research product

White Book on Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine in Europe. Introductions, Executive Summary, and Methodology

The White Book (WB) of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (PRM) in Europe is produced by the 4 European PRM Bodies (European Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine - EARM, European Society of PRM - ESPRM, European Union of Medical Specialists - PRM Section, European College of PRM-ECPRM served by the European Union of Medical Specialists-PRM Board) and constitutes the reference book for PRM physicians in Europe. It has now reached its third edition; the first was published in 1989 and the second in 2006/2007. The WB has multiple purposes, including providing a unifying framework for European countries, to inform decision-makers on European and national level, to offer educational material for…

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