Patrizia Vignolo
Scaling behavior of Tan's contact for trapped Lieb-Liniger bosons: From two to many
We show that the contact parameter of N harmonically trapped interacting one-dimensional bosons at zero temperature can be analytically and accurately obtained by a simple rescaling of the exact two-boson solution, and that N-body effects can be almost factorized. The small deviations observed between our analytical results and density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) calculations are more pronounced when the interaction energy is maximal (i.e., at intermediate interaction strengths) but they remain bounded by the large-N local-density approximation obtained from the Lieb-Liniger equation of state stemming from the Bethe ansatz. The rescaled two-body solution is so close to the exact one…
Strongly correlated one-dimensional Bose–Fermi quantum mixtures: symmetry and correlations
We consider multi-component quantum mixtures (bosonic, fermionic, or mixed) with strongly repulsive contact interactions in a one-dimensional harmonic trap. In the limit of infinitely strong repulsion and zero temperature, using the class-sum method, we study the symmetries of the spatial wave function of the mixture. We find that the ground state of the system has the most symmetric spatial wave function allowed by the type of mixture. This provides an example of the generalized Lieb-Mattis theorem. Furthermore, we show that the symmetry properties of the mixture are embedded in the large-momentum tails of the momentum distribution, which we evaluate both at infinite repulsion by an exact …
High-momentum tails as magnetic-structure probes for strongly correlatedSU(κ)fermionic mixtures in one-dimensional traps
A universal ${k}^{\ensuremath{-}4}$ decay of the large-momentum tails of the momentum distribution, fixed by Tan's contact coefficients, constitutes a direct signature of strong correlations in a short-range interacting quantum gas. Here we consider a repulsive multicomponent Fermi gas under harmonic confinement, as in the experiment of G. Pagano et al. [Nat. Phys. 10, 198 (2014)], realizing a gas with tunable $\text{SU}(\ensuremath{\kappa})$ symmetry. We exploit an exact solution at infinite repulsion to show a direct correspondence between the value of the Tan's contact for each of the $\ensuremath{\kappa}$ components of the gas and the Young tableaux for the ${S}_{N}$ permutation symmetr…