Heidi Layne

Navigating diversities: experiences of youths in one Singapore school

Singapore has established a reputation as a country with social harmony. But in recent times, increasing reports on issues of social cohesion have begun to emerge in the media about tensions among ...

research product

Developing Intercultural Mindedness through an Experiential Learning Activity—A Case Study from Singapore

Recent incidents of alleged racism worldwide amid the COVID-19 pandemic have challenged us to ponder on the meaning and importance of intercultural education. However, it can be difficult to understand the ways in which intercultural discourse can be beneficial for learning, as well as prepare young people to act against racism and inequalities to work towards a more sustainable future. This study presents analysis of learning materials from a case study conducted in one secondary school in Singapore. The objective of the activity is for students to engage in intercultural learning by participating in walking trails with different themes in a few neighborhoods, to learn more about the histo…

research product

Education for planetary well-being

The aim of this chapter is to present how education can promote planetary well-being as well as what the adoption of the planetary well-being means for education. The main objective is to explore theoretical perspectives on the new concept education for planetary well-being by examining its underlying philosophical assumptions and by introducing related approaches in the field of education. There exist several initiatives and frameworks that have aimed to make education more sustainable and just, but many of these are based on the concept of sustainable development and have considerable limitations regarding their potential to address the ecological crisis and bring about urgently needed so…

research product

‘Integration is not a one-way process’ : students negotiating meanings of integration and internationalization at home (IaH) in Finnish higher education

Internationalization at home (IaH) policies in higher education institutions (HEIs) are rarely negotiated with and by students. Therefore, students’ takes on such policies could be missed opportunities for HEIs. This qualitative study investigates international and local students’ negotiations and meaning-making of integration and IaH as stated by institutional policies. The data consist of online forum entries and reports from small group discussions between 40 students in English medium master’s programs in Finland (Europe). The key concepts of ideology and imaginary serve as entries into data analysis, which consists of enunciative discourse analysis. The findings indicate a perceived hi…

research product

Kuinka koulutus vastaa globaaleihin kriiseihin?

Marraskuun pimeyden rikkoi taas vuosittain järjestettävä kansainvälinen osallistava SDG4-seminaari. Koronavuosien jälkeen osallistujat pääsivät vihdoinkin täyttämään Ruusupuiston. Vaikka seminaarin teema liittyi konflikteihin ja kriisitilanteissa opettamiseen, yhdessä oleminen toi iloa. Seminaariin osallistui yhteensä reilu 300 SDG4-teemoista kiinnostunutta kasvatusalan opiskelijaa ja asiantuntijaa ympäri maailmaa. SDG4 viittaa YK:n kestävän kehityksen tavoitteisiin (englanniksi Sustainable Development Goals, SDG), joista numero neljä käsittää hyvän koulutuksen: kaikille avoimen, tasa-arvoisen ja laadukkaan koulutuksen sekä tuen elinikäisen oppimisen mahdollisuuksiin. nonPeerReviewed

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