Mikko Kokkoniemi
Millimetriaaltojen hyödyntäminen 5G-verkoissa
5G verkkojen keskeisimpänä teknisenä eroavaisuutena nykyisiin mobiiliverkkoihin verrattuna on huomattavasti lyhyemmän signaalin aallonpituuden käyttäminen. Tässä tutkielmassa keskitytään kyseisen aallonpituuden kuvaamiseen, sen haasteisiin ja löydettyihin ratkaisuihin. The key difference of 5G networks compared to today’s mobile networks is the usage of significantly shorter signal wavelength. This thesis will focus on describing those wavelengths, possible challenges and found solutions.
Project Education and Adams’ Theory of Equity
This work-in-progress paper in research category is concerned with students’ perceptions of justice in software engineering group projects. Taking a directed content analysis approach, the aim is to analyze the relevance of Adams’ theory of Equity for small-group project education. The analysis was applied to the data collected from a third-year project course in which students encounter an open-ended group assignment. The results indicate that the theory can serve as a useful framework that helps teachers to identify justice-related issues in project courses. On the other hand, it was concluded that special carefulness is advisable considering the simplicity of the theory. peerReviewed