Asier Eguia Del Valle
Current understanding of genetic polymorphisms as biomarkers for risk of biological complications in implantology
Background In the last decade, multiple studies have been published that analyze the relationship between the risk of experiencing biological complications with implants and the presence of certain types of genetic polymorphisms. In the present report, we analyze the controversies that have arisen from this important area of investigation and synthesize the most prominent aspects of knowledge related to this possible etiopathogenic relationship. Material and methods For this review, the biomedical databases PubMed-Medline, SciELO, and DOAJ were used. Different search strategies were employed, from which 298 articles initially emerged. After refinement of the search, 55 articles published be…
Salivary levels of Tumour Necrosis Factor-alpha in patients with recurrent aphthous stomatitis
Objetives: Recurrent aphthous stomatitis (RAS) is a common pathology of the oral mucosa with a complex and multifactorial etiology. Tumour Necrosis Factor-alpha (TNF?) is a cytokine with an important but not well-known role in the development of new lesions in RAS patients. Modifications of salivary levels of TNF? in RAS patients during the active periods of the disease have been measured in this work. The possible implication of TNF? in RAS etiology is also discussed. Study design: The study group was composed of 20 patients previously diagnosed with RAS and randomly selected. As a control group 10 healthy patients were also randomly selected. In both groups a TNF? assessment was carried o…
Manifestaciones orales de la enfermedad por depósito lineal de IgA
La enfermedad por depósito lineal de IgA o enfermedad IgA lineal (EAL) es un proceso mucocutaneo crónico e infrecuente de origen autoinmune, caracterizado por depósitos lineales de IgA a lo largo de la membrana basal. En la mayor parte de los casos, junto a las lesiones cutáneas, aparecen lesiones orales y en otras mucosas. Se han descrito casos en los que la afectación se limitaba a la mucosa oral. Por ello es importante el conocimiento de esta patología a la hora de establecer el diagnóstico diferencial de las enfermedades mucocutaneas ampollares. En esta revisión se analizan los principales aspectos clinicopatológicos de esta enfermedad, haciendo un hincapié especial en las manifestacion…