A.q. Vu
Cut-edge corrosion of a Zn–55Al-coated steel: A comparison between sulphate and chloride solutions
Abstract Ex situ observations and in situ measurements of current and pH distributions over cut-edge coated steels revealed that Zn–55Al coatings are sacrificial only in chloride solutions, because of an activation of both Zn- and Al-rich phases present in the coating. In sulphate solutions, an efficient cathodic protection occurs only for short times of immersion, because only Zn-rich phases are active in this medium. The low solubility and strong acidification induced by Al(OH)SO4 allows only short distance cathodic protection, but cannot prevent red rust precipitation on the steel surface.
In situ investigation of sacrificial behaviour of hot dipped AlSi coating in sulphate and chloride solutions
Abstract The electrochemical behaviour of the cut-edge of hot-dipped aluminium–silicon-based alloy coated steel is studied in immersed conditions in sulphate and in chloride media. Preliminary studies performed on steel-pure Al bi-electrode demonstrate that a significant galvanic current can develop at short times (t