Sources, degassing, and contamination of CO2, H2O, He, Ne, and Ar in basaltic glasses from Kolbeinsey Ridge, North Atlantic
Abstract New volatile data (CO2, H2O, He, Ne, and Ar) are presented for 24 submarine basaltic glasses from the Kolbeinsey Ridge, Tjornes Fracture Zone and Mohns Ridge, North Atlantic. Low CO2 and He contents indicate that magmas were strongly outgassed with the extent of degassing increasing toward the south, as expected from shallower ridge depths. Ne and Ar are significantly more abundant in the southernmost glasses than predicted for degassed melt. The strong atmospheric isotopic signal associated with this excess Ne and Ar suggests syn- or posteruptive contamination by air. Degassing, by itself, cannot generate the large variations in δ13C values of dissolved CO2 or coupled CO2-Ar varia…