Céline Boiteux-orain

Des espaces soumis à la métropolisation parisienne. Le cas de quatre cantons des franges franciliennes

research product

Changes in Spatial and Sectoral Patterns of Employment in Ile-de-France, 1978-97

This paper investigates the spatial distribution of employment in the region of Ile-de-France in 1978 and 1997. Exploratory spatial data analysis is used to identify employment centres and a sectoral analysis of the central business district (CBD) and sub-centres is performed. The results highlight a process of suburbanisation of employment in Ile-de-France between 1978 and 1997. A more polarised space emerges in 1997 than in 1978, with several employment centres specialised in different activities. Moreover, even if the spatial influence of the CBD declines over the study period, the CBD maintains its economic leadership by concentrating a large variety of high-order producer services.

research product

La culture en l'île-de-France: toujours une histoire de centralité urbaine

International audience

research product

Modéliser la suburbanisation

L’histoire de la suburbanisation de la population et de l’emploi, principalement aux Etats-Unis, permet d’identifier trois caracteristiques du phenomene. 1/ La suburbanisation se traduit par un etalement urbain tel que population et emploi s’accroissent plus en peripherie qu’au centre. 2/ La suburbanisation fait emerger de nouvelles concentrations d’activites dans la peripherie des villes-centres et donne naissance a des structures urbaines multicentriques. 3/ La suburbanisation differencie les contenus et les fonctions economiques des centres et recompose les centralites urbaines. Dans ce cadre, la suburbanisation se presente selon des modalites differentes selon les epoques et les regions…

research product

Paris et ses franges : Etalement urbain et polycentrisme

Paris fait partie aujourd'hui des grandes métropoles mondiales qui concentrent l'essentiel du pouvoir économique. Sans être atteinte de gigantisme excessif, la métropole parisienne représente un sixième de la population française. Cette croissance s'est opérée dans l'agglomération elle-même, qui intègre les villes nouvelles, mais elle a aussi entraîné un fort étalement périurbain sur des espaces ruraux. Étalement et influence parisienne s'étendent désormais hors de l'Île-de-France, sur les département et les régions limitrophes. Ils engagent des processus tant de transformation de l'occupation du sol que d'accroissement des mobilités, en même temps que le coeur de l'agglomération se transfo…

research product

Changes in the Intra-Metropolitan Location of Producer Services in Ile-de-France (1978-1997) : do information technologies promote a more dispersed spatial pattern?

Because of their intensive need for face-to-face contacts, producer services have, historically, been found at the core o f CBDs. However, it has been suggested that advances in information technologies could lead to the erosion o f the CBD’s economic base, rendering face-to-face contacts obsolete and enabling producer services to suburbanize. Although a considerable amount o f empirical work has been done on the suburbanization o f these activities in North-America, the same is not true of France. In this paper, we adopt an original methodology to study the role played by face-to-face contacts in the spatial distribution of producer services in the Ile-de-France region between 1978 and 199…

research product

Changes in spatial and sectoral patterns of employment in Ile-de-France, 1978-1997

International audience; This paper investigates the spatial distribution of employment in the region of Ile-de-France in 1978 and 1997. Exploratory spatial data analysis is used to identify employment centres and a sectoral analysis of the central business district (CBD) and sub-centres is performed. The results highlight a process of suburbanisation of employment in Ile-de-France between 1978 and 1997. A more polarised space emerges in 1997 than in 1978, with several employment centres specialised in different activities. Moreover, even if the spatial influence of the CBD declines over the study period, the CBD maintains its economic leadership by concentrating a large variety of high-orde…

research product