Jessica Mercader

Motivation and Mathematics Performance: A Longitudinal Study in Early Educational Stages

Abstract This longitudinal study analyses the predictive value of a set of motivational variables on academic performance in the mathematics area. Analyses were performed on a sample of 180 children, with the data evaluated in two stages in formal educational settings (from kindergarten until 2nd year of Primary School). Likewise, differences between three groups (with low, average, and high mathematical performance at the end of second year of Primary School) in motivational and attributional variables assessed initially are also studied. The results show a significant predictive power on later mathematics achievement for self-perceived competence. Also persistence, attitude, and positive …

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Motivation and academic achievement in mathematics: a longitudinal study in the early stages of education

Se analiza longitudinalmente la capacidad predictiva de un conjunto de variables motivacionales sobre el rendimiento matemático. Los análisis se realizan, en una muestra de 180 sujetos, con datos evaluados en dos momentos (Educación Infantil 5 años y 2º curso de Primaria). También se estudian las diferencias entre dos grupos, con rendimiento matemático medio y bajo al finalizar el primer ciclo de Primaria, en las variables motivacionales evaluadas en el primer momento. Los resultados muestran un importante poder predictivo sobre el rendimiento matemático posterior de la competencia percibida. También la persistencia, la actitud y la dimensión atribucional de internalidad positiva aportan un…

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Contributions of Motivation, Early Numeracy Skills, and Executive Functioning to Mathematical Performance. A Longitudinal Study

The main goal of this longitudinal study is to examine the power of different variables and its dynamic interactions in predicting mathematical performance. The model proposed in this study includes indicators of motivational constructs (learning motivation and attributions), executive functioning (inhibition and working memory), and early numeracy skills (logical operations, counting, and magnitude comparison abilities), assessed during kindergarten, and mathematical performance in the second year of Primary Education. The sample consisted of 180 subjects assessed in two moments (5–6 and 7–8 years old). The results showed an indirect effect of initial motivation on later mathematical perfo…

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Introducción. Los niños con TDAH tienden a sobreestimar su funcionamiento social, conductual y académico, un asunto que ha sido poco investigado en adultos con TDAH. Objetivos. Los objetivos de este trabajo son: 1) Examinar el perfil de funcionamiento ejecutivo de adultos jóvenes con TDAH; 2) Estudiar la relación entre las habilidades de funcionamiento ejecutivo percibidas por adultos con TDAH y sus padres; 3) Comparar las puntuaciones diferenciales (entre las versiones de observador y autoinforme) de adultos con TDAH y adultos con desarrollo típico. Método. Participaron 93 adultos (50 con un diagnóstico de TDAH en la infancia y 43 con desarrollo típico) entre 17 y 24 años. Se aplicaron las…

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Performance-based tests versus behavioral ratings in the assessment of executive functioning in preschoolers: associations with ADHD symptoms and reading achievement

The early assessment of the executive processes using ecologically valid instruments is essential for identifying deficits and planning actions to deal with possible adverse consequences. The present study has two different objectives. The first objective is to analyze the relationship between preschoolers' performance on tests of Working Memory and Inhibition and parents' and teachers' ratings of these executive functions (EFs) using the Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function (BRIEF). The second objective consists of studying the predictive value of the different EF measures (performance-based test and rating scales) on Inattention and Hyperactivity/Impulsivity behaviors and on in…

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