Pilar Cubells Cascales

Síndrome metabólico en pacientes con cardiopatía isquémica. Resultados obtenidos con la utilización de diferentes criterios

Carecemos de un criterio unico para definir el sindrome metabolico, considerado como aglutinador del riesgo cardiovascular. Con objeto de comparar su prevalencia en pacientes con cardiopatia isquemica, utilizando los criterios del Grupo Europeo de Resistencia a la Insulina y los del National Colesterol Education Program, se diseno un estudio observacional, transversal, de los factores integrantes del sindrome metabolico en pacientes con cardiopatia isquemica. Se estudio a 169 pacientes (129 varones y 40 mujeres) con edades entre 35 y 79 anos. La prevalencia del sindrome metabolico con los criterios del grupo europeo fue del 43,7% y con los del grupo americano, del 40,8% (sin diferencias sig…

research product

[Metabolic syndrome in patients with coronary heart disease. Results of using different diagnostic criteria].

A unified definition of metabolic syndrome, considered a common feature of cardiovascular risk, is lacking. The aim of this study was to compare the prevalence of this syndrome in patients with ischemic heart disease using two diagnostic criteria: the European Group of Resistance to Insulin and the National Cholesterol Education Program. We designed an observational, cross-sectional study of the factors that make up metabolic syndrome in subjects diagnosed with coronary heart disease. A total of 169 patients aged 35 to 79 years were studied (129 men and 40 women). With the European group criterion the percentage of patients with metabolic syndrome was 43.7%, whereas the American group crite…

research product