Characterization of Sorolla's gouache pigments by means of spectroscopic techniques
Abstract This paper presents the characterization of the Joaquin Sorolla's gouache sketches for the oil on canvas series “Vision of Spain” commissioned by A. M. Huntington to decorate the library of the Hispanic Society of America in New York. The analyses were focused on the identification of the elemental composition of the gouache pigments by means of portable EDXRF spectrometry in a non-destructive mode. Additionally, SEM-EDX and FTIR analyses of a selected set of micro-samples were carried out to identify completely the pigments, the paint technique and the binding media. The obtained results have confirmed the identification of lead and zinc white, vermillion, earth pigments, ochre, z…
Multi-technique characterization of gold electroplating on silver substrates for cultural heritage applications
Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Accelerators in Applied Research and Technology (ECAART12).-- et al.