Microevolution of eastern palaearctic Grey tits as indicated by their vocalizations (Parus [Poecile]: Paridae, Aves) I. Parus montanus: Contributions to the Fauna of the Far East, No. 2
Within the Palaearctic Region, the Willow tit (Parus montanus) displays four vicariant forms of territorial song. 1. “Alpine” form (pure single-frequency whistles, Fig. 5: 1) in the Alps and adjacent mountains to the East. 2. “Lowland” or “Normal” form (frequency change from high to low within one note, Fig. 5: 2) in the other parts of NW, Central and SE Europe. 3. In populations of N and E Europe as well as of W and E Siberia every individual bird uses - so far as known - both song types; this “Siberian” form (Figs. 1, 2) includes intergrades (Fig. 3). The comparatively type-rich Siberian repertoire is found in a vast area from N and E Europe to the Amur River and Ussuriland in Siberia. 4.…