A Abdelgalel

Gametic and somatic embryogenesis through in vitro anther culture of different Citrus genotypes

Abstract: In vitro tissue culture represents a useful technique for advancing Citrus breeding and propagation. Among in vitro regeneration systems, anther culture is commonly used to produce haploids and doubled haploids for a fast-track producing homozygous lines, in comparison with the traditional self-pollination approach, which involves several generations of selfing. In addition, anthers culture can produce somatic embryos that can also be used for clonal propagation. In this study, two thermal shocks were applied to the anthers of six Citrus genotypes (two clementine and four sweet oranges), just after they were put in culture. The response obtained was different depending on the geno…

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Advancement on isolated microspore culture in Citrus clementina Hort. ex Tan., cvs. Monreal Rosso and Nules.

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Gametic embryogenesis through isolated microspore culture in Corylus avellana L.

Haploid technology is a valuable plant breeding tool for obtaining homozygosity particularly in woody plants. Hazelnut, the world’s sixth ranking nut tree crop is a monoecious, anemophilous species. It is characterized by a sporophytic incompatibility system that prevents production of homozygous plants with conventional methods, involving several self-pollination cycles. In this study, gametic embryogenesis, in particular isolated microspore culture, was tried with five genotypes. Two culture media were tested and four temperature stress treatments were applied to the isolated microspores that were cultivated at the vacuolated developmental stage. To our knowledge, this is the first report…

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Early in vitro development of isolated microspores of four Sicilian olive cultivars.

Nowadays there is a great interest in the advancement of the studies on gametic embryogenesis in olive, as a method for obtaining homozygous material, due to the enormous effort and relevance in its genome sequencing and gene mapping. In this study, in vitro isolated microspore culture of four Sicilian olive cultivars (‘Biancolilla napoletana’, ‘Nocellara del Belice’, ‘Tonda Iblea’ and ‘Verdello’) has been carried out, investigating the influence of two polyamines (putrescine and spermidine) and of two medium compositions on pollen embryogenesis induction. During in vitro development, different structural features have been observed: uninucleated microspores, with no development, binucleate…

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Early embryo achievement through isolated microspore culture in citrus clementina hort. Ex tan., cvs. 'Monreal Rosso' and 'nules'

10 p.-5 fig.-3 tab.

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