Sheng-li Tan
On Higgs bundles over Shimura varieties of ball quotient type
We prove the generic exclusion of certain Shimura varieties of unitary and orthogonal types from the Torelli locus. The proof relies on a slope inequality on surface fibration due to G. Xiao, and the main result implies that certain Shimura varieties only meet the Torelli locus in dimension zero.
On the minimal number of singular fibers with non-compact Jacobians for families of curves over P1
Abstract Let f : X → P 1 be a non-isotrivial family of semi-stable curves of genus g ≥ 1 defined over an algebraically closed field k. Denote by s nc the number of the singular fibers whose Jacobians are non-compact. We prove that s nc ≥ 5 if k = C and g ≥ 5 ; we also prove that s nc ≥ 4 if char ( k ) > 0 and the relative Jacobian of f is non-smooth.