Anni Hintikka

The effect of sensory brand experience and involvement on brand equity directly and indirectly through consumer brand engagement

Purpose This study aims to examine the effect of sensory brand experience and involvement on brand equity directly and indirectly through cognitive, emotional and behavioral consumer brand engagement (CBE). Design/methodology/approach A survey was administered to the customers of a Finnish tableware brand using relevant Facebook channels. A total of 1,390 responses were analyzed using partial least squares structural equation modeling. Findings The empirical findings suggest that both involvement and sensory brand experience are directly related to the three facets of CBE. Further, involvement, sensory brand experience and CBE jointly explain more than 50 per cent of the variance in brand …

research product

Kirjoittamisprosessin tallentaminen ja visualisointi kielenoppimisen apuna

Tekstin kirjoittaminen saattaa toisinaan tuntua työläältä, mutta se voi olla myös helppoa ja sujuvaa. Tutkimme KISUVI-hankkeessa (Monikielisten kirjoittajien kirjoitusprosessit: sanastokeskittymien ja sujuvuuden visualisointi graafiteorian avulla) kirjoittamisen sujuvuutta ensi- ja vieraalla kielellä. Tarkastelemme kirjoittamista näppäilyntallennuksen ja kirjoittamisen kielentämisen eli omasta kirjoittamisesta kertomisen avulla. Tavoitteemme on saada uutta tietoa kirjoitusprosesseista ja kirjoittajaprofiileista analysoimalla niitä visualisointien ja näppäilyntallennuksen avulla. Tuloksia voi soveltaa tutkimuksen lisäksi etenkin kirjoittamisen opettamiseen eri kielillä. nonPeerReviewed

research product

Customer brand engagement : affection to brand usage intent and moderating effect of brand experience

Customer engagement is a relatively new area in the marketing literature and academic research has only shortly studied the nature of customer engagement. Despite the slight research numerous work have recognized the growing attention of customer brand engagement and consequently Marketing Science Institute has listed it as one of its key research priorities. Another important research interest which highly affects to customers satisfaction and loyalty, is brand experience. The indirect effect of brand experience to the relationships between customer brand engagement and its consequences are insufficiently examined and therefore in this study brand experience is used as a moderator factor. …

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