Mixing-induced spontaneous supersymmetry breaking
It is conjectured that flavor mixing furnishes a universal mechanism for the spontaneous breaking of supersymmetry. The conjecture is proved explicitly for the mixing of two Wess--Zumino $\mathcal{N}=1$ supermultiplets and arguments for its general validity are given. The mechanism relies on the fact that, despite mixing treats fermions and bosons symmetrically, both the fermionic and the bosonic zero point energies are shifted by a positive amount and this kind of shift does not respect supersymmetry.
Non-abelian gauge structure in neutrino mixing
We discuss the existence of a non-abelian gauge structure associated with flavor mixing. In the specific case of two flavor mixing of Dirac neutrino fields, we show that this reformulation allows to define flavor neutrino states which preserve the Poincar\'e structure. Phenomenological consequences of our analysis are explored.