Kai-mei C. Fu
Sensitive magnetometry in challenging environments
State-of-the-art magnetic field measurements performed in shielded environments under carefully controlled conditions rarely reflect the realities of those applications envisioned in the introductions of peer-reviewed publications. Nevertheless, significant advances in magnetometer sensitivity have been accompanied by serious attempts to bring these magnetometers into the challenging working environments in which they are often required. This review discusses the ways in which various (predominantly optically pumped) magnetometer technologies have been adapted for use in a wide range of noisy and physically demanding environments.
Imaging Topological Spin Structures Using Light-Polarization and Magnetic Microscopy
We present an imaging modality that enables detection of magnetic moments and their resulting stray magnetic fields. We use wide-field magnetic imaging that employs a diamond-based magnetometer and has combined magneto-optic detection (e.g. magneto-optic Kerr effect) capabilities. We employ such an instrument to image magnetic (stripe) domains in multilayered ferromagnetic structures.