M.l. Grilli
Multi-technique characterization of gold electroplating on silver substrates for cultural heritage applications
Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Accelerators in Applied Research and Technology (ECAART12).-- et al.
Reconsidering the accuracy of X-ray fluorescence and ion beam based methods when used to measure the thickness of ancient gildings
Since at least 5000 years ago, gilding techniques have been used for decoration purposes or to make artefacts appear as made of solid gold. Investigation of ancient gildings inevitably requires measuring their thickness, which is usually done either through the observation of cross-sections or by methods such as Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy, particle-induced X-ray emission and X-ray fluorescence. Whereas the former method requires sampling, the latter ones are non-invasive and therefore preferable. These non-invasive methods, however, measure the number of atoms per unit area, which can be converted into thickness only if the density is known. So far this has not been considered a…