Ambulatory blood pressure and arterial stiffness web-based telemonitoring in patients at cardiovascular risk. First results of the VASOTENS (Vascular health ASsessment Of The hypertENSive patients) Registry
The VASOTENS Registry is an international telehealth-based repository of 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitorings (ABPM) obtained through an oscillometric upper-arm BP monitor allowing combined estimation of some vascular biomarkers. The present paper reports the results obtained in 1200 participants according to different categories of CV risk. Individual readings were averaged for each recording and 24-hour mean of brachial and aortic systolic (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP), pulse wave velocity (PWV), and augmentation index (AIx) obtained. Peripheral and central BP, PWV and AIx values were increased in older participants (SBP only) and in case of hypertension (SBP and DBP).…