M. Amniat-talab
Atom-photon, atom-atom and photon-photon entanglement preparation via fractional adiabatic passage
We propose a relatively robust scheme to generate maximally entangled states of (i) an atom and a cavity photon, (ii) two atoms in their ground states, and (iii) two photons in two spatially separate high-Q cavities. It is based on the interaction via fractional adiabatic passage of a three-level atom traveling through a cavity mode and a laser beam. The presence of optical phases is emphasized.
Decoherence-free creation of atom-atom entanglement in cavity via fractional adiabatic passage
We propose a robust and decoherence insensitive scheme to generate controllable entangled states of two three-level atoms interacting with an optical cavity and a laser beam. Losses due to atomic spontaneous transitions and to cavity decay are efficiently suppressed by employing fractional adiabatic passage and appropriately designed atom-field couplings. In this scheme the two atoms traverse the cavity-mode and the laser beam in opposite directions as opposed to other entanglement schemes in which the atoms are required to have fixed locations inside a cavity. We also show that the coherence of a traveling atom can be transferred to the other one without populating the cavity-mode.
Generation of multiphoton Fock states by bichromatic adiabatic passage: Topological analysis
We propose a robust scheme to generate multi-photon Fock states in an atom-maser-cavity system using adiabatic passage techniques and topological properties of the dressed eigenenergy surfaces. The mechanism is an exchange of photons from the maser field into the initially empty cavity by bichromatic adiabatic passage. The number of exchanged photons depends on the design of the adiabatic dynamics through and around the conical intersections of dressed eigenenergy surfaces.
Enhanced alignment and orientation of polar molecules by vibrational resonant adiabatic passage
The authors show that polar molecules can be adiabatically aligned and oriented by laser pulses more efficiently when the laser frequencies are vibrationally resonant. The aligned molecules are found in a superposition of vibrational pendular states, each associated with the alignment of the rotor in one vibrational state. The authors construct the dressed potential associated with this mechanism. Values of detunings and field amplitudes are given to optimize the degree of alignment and orientation for the CO molecule.
Robust creation of atomic W state in a cavity by adiabatic passage
We propose two robust schemes to generate controllable (deterministic) atomic W-states of three three-level atoms interacting with an optical cavity and a laser beam. Losses due to atomic spontaneous emissions and to cavity decay are efficiently suppressed by employing adiabatic passage technique and appropriately designed atom-field couplings. In these schemes the three atoms traverse the cavity-mode and the laser beam and become entangled in the free space outside the cavity.
Quantum state engineering in a cavity by Stark chirped rapid adiabatic passage
We propose a robust scheme to generate single-photon Fock states and atom-photon and atom-atom entanglement in atom-cavity systems. We also present a scheme for quantum networking between two cavity nodes using an atomic channel. The mechanism is based on Stark-chirped rapid adiabatic passage (SCRAP) and half-SCRAP processes in a microwave cavity. The engineering of these states depends on the design of the adiabatic dynamics through the static and dynamic Stark shifts.
Control of Localization and Suppression of Tunneling by Adiabatic Passage
We show that a field of frequency $\ensuremath{\omega}$ combined with its second harmonic $2\ensuremath{\omega}$ driving a double-well potential allows us to localize the wave packet by adiabatic passage, starting from the delocalized ground state. The relative phase of the fields allows us to choose the well of localization. We can suppress (and restore) the tunneling subsequently by switching on (and off) abruptly the fields at well-defined times. The mechanism relies on the fact that the dynamics is driven to an eigenstate of the Floquet Hamiltonian which is a localized state.