Pauline Von Bonsdorff
Barndomens estetik och estetik i barndomen
Aesthetic imagination and animate peace
This chapter discusses the nature crisis through looking at how one might work towards dynamic coexistence with non-human nature through communicating and bonding with domestic mammals, thereby anchoring ourselves in the world. It explores the negative and positive peace between humans and non-human nature, and introduces 'animate peace' to suggest that peace is a dynamic, complex and challenging, in addition to rewarding, state of affairs. The chapter focuses on the multimodal, holistic character of communication; how it is temporally layered and emerging in a relationship that transforms both parts; and how it marginalises verbal language as a means of communication. It expresses that the…
Metaphysical Imagination in the Flesh : Hepburn with de Bruyckere
Doctoral Networks and Networking in Finland : A Brief History
On Equal Terms? : On Implementing Infants’ Cultural Rights
How can we implement infants’ cultural rights? Is there even reason to confer such rights to non-speaking children, or is it enough that we recognise slightly older children as culturally active individuals? Acknowledging children’s intellectual capacities and their right to be heard in matters that concern them are important threads in research on children and ideals of childrearing during the last hundred years. This development is parallel with the one leading from the Declaration of the Rights of the Child in 1923 to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child in 1989. The spirit of human rights that informs these documents cannot be underestimated. Yet reading the Convention carefully…
"Kun käsistä tuli siivet" : tanssi-liiketerapiaryhmään osallistuneiden ruumiilliset muistot
Introduction to Doctoral Matters
Transformations of the everyday. The social aesthetics of childhood
Aesthetics and Bildung
The article approaches the educational potential of aesthetics and the arts by reviving the notion of Bildung and suggesting an interpretation that emphasizes both its social character and the role of artworks and other aesthetic expressions. Bildung is a dialogic process where human relationships are crucial both for the exchange and the birth of insights. Artworks are described as images (Bilde), which act as intermediaries and points of reference in expressing, communicating and negotiating cultural values. In developing the argument, Immanuel Kant's analysis of aesthetic judgment is read together with his ideas on enlightenment, highlighting the social and political character of judgmen…
Transformations of the everyday : the social aesthetics of childhood
One of the differences between art and everyday life as generally conceived at least in the West is that while art tends to strive towards novelty, uniqueness and individuality, the aesthetics of the everyday is characterized by familiarity, anonymity, or even the prosaic. In this paper I want to contribute to everyday aesthetics by tentatively exploring an area which bridges art and the everyday in evident, yet under-theorises ways, namely the activity of play. Children play, but they are by no means unique in this, and while my examples will mostly come from childhood I empahsise the broader significance of play as a resource in human life. Play is, like art, an area of active imagination…