Am Mannino
Non-Indigenous Species (NIS) within Marine Protected Areas (MPAs). The case study of the Aegadian Islands MPA (Sicily, Tyrrhenian Sea) and the Dwejra MPA (Maltese Islands, Ionian Sea)
The introduction of non-indigenous species (NIS) has been pointed out as a major threat to biodiversity. NIS may become invasive alien species (IAS) and may cause biodiversity loss and ecosystem service changes. In the Mediterranean Sea, Sicily and surrounding islands, also including a high number of Marine Protected Area (MPAs), as a consequence of their geographic position and the intense maritime traffic, is a region particularly vulnerable and prone to NIS invasions. Since frontiers do not exist in the sea, biological invasions may severely affect MPAs, whose major aim is biodiversity conservation. Among the Sicilian MPAs, the Aegadian Islands MPA report the highest number of NIS (19). M…
RIASSUNTO - Il degrado dei materiali con cui sono realizzate le opere d’arte, è spesso causato dall’attività di macro e micro organismi (piante, insetti, licheni, alghe, batteri, attinomiceti etc.), denominati biodeteriogeni. Presenti in tutti gli habitat terrestri, costituiscono un serio problema per la conservazione sia in siti outdoor sia confinati, come biblioteche, archivi, istituti mussali, depositi e, comunque, in tutti quei luoghi dove si attua la conservazione/fruizione dei manufatti. In genere, non vi è luogo di conservazione che non mostri tracce di parziali o estese infestazioni/colonizzazioni che comportano alterazioni più o meno consistenti dei manufatti presenti. Le alterazio…
A first contribution to the cryptogamic flora of “Bosco Pomieri” (Northern Sicily)
This is the first contribution to the cryptogamic flora (algae, bryophytes, fungi and lichens) of the “Bosco Pomieri”, an old-growth forest included in the Madonie Regional Park (N-Sicily). This area presents a significantly high biodiversity (41 algae, 41 bryophytes, 141 fungi, and 105 lichens) and also hosts several taxa of high biogeographic value.
Vulnerability of algae and seagrasses to climate change
Biodiversity is undergoing rapid and worrying changes, partially driven by anthropogenic activities. Human impacts and climate change (e.g. increasing temperature and ocean acidification) represent the most serious threats to biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. Aim of this study was to assess, analysing the scientific literature and published data, how climate change can affect algae and seagrasses, evaluating their vulnerability and the possibility to use these organisms as indicators. Algae and seagrasses have a central role for several important ecological processes in aquatic ecosystems, and their loss can lead repercussions for the ecological function. Climate stressors affected ac…