Hydrothermal fluid flow structures at Solfatara volcano, Somma-Vesuvius volcanic complex and Mt. Etna
Solfatara (Campi Flegrei):We present the first detailed 3-D Resistivity model of the Solfatara-Pisciarelli area, obtained from numerousERT surveys during the “MED-SUV” Project. This inversion was performed by taking into account 44 000ERT data points, as well as surface e-m resistivity measurements and the magneto-tellurics model from A.Siniscalchi et al. respectively as surface and bottom boundary conditions. The 3-D resistivity structure wellmatches with the CO2 flux, temperature and self-potential variations at the crater surface. This model clearlyhighlights the main geological units of the area (Monte Olibano, Solfatara crypto-dome, layers of eruptivedeposits), and the structures of hy…