Pulkkinen Lea
Teacher-rated aggression and co-occurring behaviors and emotional problems among schoolchildren in four population-based European cohorts
Aggressive behavior in school is an ongoing concern. The current focus is on specific manifestations such as bullying, but the behavior is broad and heterogenous. Children spend a substantial amount of time in school, but their behaviors in the school setting tend to be less well characterized than at home. Because aggression may index multiple behavioral problems, we used three validated instruments to assess means, correlations and gender differences of teacher-rated aggressive behavior with co-occurring externalizing/internalizing problems and social behavior in 39,936 schoolchildren aged 7-14 from 4 population-based cohorts from Finland, the Netherlands, and the UK. Correlations of aggr…
Relationships between personality traits and values in middle aged men and women
The present study analyzed the relations between the Big Five personality traits (neuroticism, extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, and openness to experience) and 14 values (societal concern, tolerance, protecting nature, caring, dependability, autonomy of thought, autonomy of action, stimulation, hedonism, achievement, tradition, security, conformity, and power) in middle-aged women and men. The 50-year-old participants (women n = 107 and men n = 105) were drawn from the ongoing Finnish Jyväskylä Longitudinal Study of Personality and Social Development. The personality traits were assessed using the 60-item NEO Five Factor Inventory. Values were measured using the 46-item versi…