F Gianguzza
A FOX Binding Site is Necessary for the Activation of Pl-Tuba1a Gene in the neurogenic domains
All echinoderm larvae possess a nervous system consisting of a ciliary band and associated sensory ganglia (apical, oral and lateral ganglia) that controls swimming and feeding. Neurons of the larval nervous system first appear as neuroblasts in the thickened ectoderm of the animal plate (anterior neuroectoderm, ANE) at the late blastula – early gastrula stage and then also in the ciliary band. The neural differentiation process of sea urchin embryos has been analysed and the Gene Regulatory Network involved in the differentiation processes is extensively studied. We have previously isolated an alpha tubulin family member of the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus (Pl-Tuba1a, formerly known as…