Raka Jovanovic
Energy Efficient Sink Placement in Wireless Sensor Networks by Brain Storm Optimization Algorithm
Wireless sensor networks represent one of the most promising technologies whose use has significantly increased in the past years. They are used in various applications such as health care monitoring, surveillance and monitoring in agriculture, industrial monitoring, habitat and underwater monitoring, etc. Deployment of the wireless sensor networks introduces number of hard optimization problems. Placement of the elements such as sensors, gateways, sinks and base stations, depend on different conditions and constraints such as signal propagation, distance, energy preservation, reliability. In this paper, we propose a method based on brain storm optimization algorithm for placing multiple si…
Combined Elephant Herding Optimization Algorithm with K-means for Data Clustering
Clustering is an important task in machine learning and data mining. Due to various applications that use clustering, numerous clustering methods were proposed. One well-known, simple, and widely used clustering algorithm is k-means. The main problem of this algorithm is its tendency of getting trapped into local minimum because it does not have any kind of global search. Clustering is a hard optimization problem, and swarm intelligence stochastic optimization algorithms are proved to be successful for such tasks. In this paper, we propose recent swarm intelligence elephant herding optimization algorithm for data clustering. Local search of the elephant herding optimization algorithm was im…