Galina Gladka


Biodegradation of Synthetic Organic Compounds by Methanogenic Microbiome as an Alternative Approach for Wastewater Purification and Energy Production

The use of fossil fuels (methane, oil, etc.) is undergoing an unprecedented crisis now. There is the urgent need to search for alternative energy sources. A wide range of degraded organic materials can be effectively used to provide energy together with environmental protection. Soapstock is a hazardous waste containing a high concentration of toxic organic compounds of man-made origin (fatty acids, surfactants, dyes, etc.). To prevent environmental contamination such substances require an effective treatment approach. The goal of the study was to isolate the adapted-to-fatty-acids methanogenic microbiome and investigate the patterns of sodium acetate and soapstock degradation with simultan…

research product

Detoxification of Copper and Chromium via Dark Hydrogen Fermentation of Potato Waste by Clostridium butyricum Strain 92

The accumulation of various types of waste containing both organic and inorganic metal-containing compounds is extremely hazardous for living organisms. The possibility of polymer degradation, biohydrogen synthesis, and metal detoxification via the dark fermentation of model potato waste was investigated. For this purpose, the strict anaerobic strain was isolated and identified as Clostridium butyricum. The high efficiency of dark hydrogen fermentation of potatoes with yield of hydrogen in 85.8 ± 15.3 L kg−1 VSpotato was observed. The copperand chromium salts solutions were added to the culture fluid to obtain the concentrations of 50, 100, and 200 mg L−1 Cu(II) and Cr(VI) in the active pha…

research product

Anaerobic Degradation of the Invasive Weed Solidago canadensis L. (goldenrod) and Copper Immobilization by a Community of Sulfate-Reducing and Methane-Producing Bacteria

The weed Solidago canadensis L. poses a global threat to the environment as it spreads uncontrollably on roadsides, in forests, fields, meadows, and farmland. Goldenrod emits toxic substances that suppress other plants on the site, displacing wild ones. Thus, goldenrod conquers huge areas very quickly. The use of herbicides and mechanical methods does not solve the problem of the spontaneous spread of goldenrod. On the other hand, many scientists consider goldenrod as a valuable source of biologically active substances: flavonoids, phenolic compounds, vitamins, etc. In this study, we consider Solidago plants as a promising, free (cheap), and renewable substrate for the production of methane…

research product

Spatial Succession for Degradation of Solid Multicomponent Food Waste and Purification of Toxic Leachate with the Obtaining of Biohydrogen and Biomethane

A huge amount of organic waste is generated annually around the globe. The main sources of solid and liquid organic waste are municipalities and canning and food industries. Most of it is disposed of in an environmentally unfriendly way since none of the modern recycling technologies can cope with such immense volumes of waste. Microbiological and biotechnological approaches are extremely promising for solving this environmental problem. Moreover, organic waste can serve as the substrate to obtain alternative energy, such as biohydrogen (H2) and biomethane (CH4). This work aimed to design and test new technology for the degradation of food waste, coupled with biohydrogen and biomethane prod…

research product