Aleksandra Cieślik
Epileptiform activity in the acute phase of stroke predicts the outcomes in patients without seizures
Background and purposeThe abnormalities in EEG of stroke-patients increase the risk of epilepsy but their significancy for poststroke outcome is unclear. This presented study was aimed at determining the prevalence and nature of changes in EEG recordings from the stroke hemisphere and from the contralateral hemisphere. Another objective was to determine the significance of abnormalities in EEG in the first days of stroke for the post-stroke functional status on the acute and chronic phase of disease.MethodsIn all qualified stroke-patients, EEG was performed during the first 3 days of hospitalization and at discharge. The correlation between EEG abnormalities both in the stroke hemisphere an…
The knowledge of women with epilepsy on motherhood
Wstęp: Padaczka jest jedną z najczęstszych chorób neurologicznych. Na całym świecie cierpi na nią ok. 50 mln osób, z czego połowa to kobiety. Pomimo że ciąża w przebiegu epilepsji zaliczana jest do ciąż wysokiego ryzyka, na podstawie wielu obserwacji przyjmuje się, że szansa urodzenia zdrowego dziecka przez kobietę z padaczką wynosi ponad 90%, ale ryzyko wystąpienia wad wrodzonych jest 2–3-krotnie wyższe niż w przypadku ciąży u kobiety zdrowej. Wynika to głównie z faktu stosowania leków przeciwpadaczkowych. Materiał i metody: Badaniami objęto 139 kobiet chorych na padaczkę, w wieku od 18 do 40 lat, będących pod opieką poradni neurologicznych na terenie województwa śląskiego. Badania przepro…
Knowledge of neurologists and gynaecologists regarding reproductive and maternity issues in women with epilepsy
Background: Epilepsy is one of the most common neurological disorders, with more than 400,000 individuals in Poland (about 1% of the population) affected. Epilepsy complicates approximately 0.5% of pregnancies. Objective: To determine the level of knowledge that neurologists and gynaecologists have about reproductive and maternity issues for women with epilepsy. Material and methods: This study included 141 neurologists and physicians undergoing specialist training in neurology as well as 72 gynaecologists and physicians undergoing specialist training in gynaecology. A validated questionnaire was used to survey these neurologists and gynaecologists, who worked in Silesia Province. Results: …