Neus Nualart
Nuevas especies de plantas vasculares alóctonas encontradas subespontáneas en Cataluña (España)
We provide the first records of three non-native vascular species found as subspontaneous in Catalonia and used in gardening.Two of them, Ruschia uncinata (L.) Schwantes and Myrtillocactus geometrizans (Pfeiff.) Console, are novelties in Europe, while Kalanchoe daigremontiana Raym.-Hamet & H. Perrier is reported firstly for the aforementioned autonomous community. The first data for the province of Girona or Barcelona are provided for other four species.
Primera cita del endemismo mexicano Agave Difformis a. Berger (Agavaceae) fuera de su área de distribución nativa
17 p., fot., gráf.