Viktor N. Mikheev
Control of freshwater fish louse Argulus coregoni: a step towards an integrated management strategy
Harmful infections by ectoparasites of the genus Argulus occur repeatedly in freshwa- ter fish farming operations where the management has largely been ineffective. Preventative meth- ods and regular monitoring are rarely applied, so that chemical interventions become necessary. According to the Integrated Pest Management (IPM) approach, a sustainable management or control program for a parasite should be based on knowledge of the ecology of the parasite along with adop- tion of several prevention and control methods, the application of which is dependent upon the pre- vailing infection level. The application of multiple management tactics is especially important because parasites can devel…
Behavioural adaptations of argulid parasites (Crustacea: Branchiura) to major challenges in their life cycle
Fish lice (Argulus spp.) are obligate ectoparasites, which contrary to most aquatic parasites, retain the ability to swim freely throughout the whole of their life. In fish farms, they can quickly increase in numbers and without effective control cause argulosis, which results in the reduced growth and survival of their fish hosts. The morphology of Argulus spp, including their sensory organs, is suitable for both parasitism and free-swimming. By spending a considerable amount of time away from their host, these parasites risk being excessively dispersed, which could endanger mating success. Here we present a review of recent studies on the behaviour of Argulus spp, especially the aggregati…