A Calzolari
Impaired energy expenditure and physical activity in children affected by GH deficiency measured by SenseWear Armband: preliminary results.
Background: Influence of growth hormone on energy expenditure and physical performance is clearly known. Objective and hypotheses: The aim of our study is to evaluate the energy expenditure (EE) during physical (PA) and sedentary activities (SA), in a group of children/adolescents affected by growth hormone deficiency (GHD) compared to healthy subjects, using an objective measure as SenseWear Armband (SWA-BodyMedia). Patients, methods and results: These preliminary data included 13 untreated, consecutive GHD children and adolescents (6 males) (GH peak 3 Mets) (1.5 ±0.8 vs 2.3±1 h/d), especially moderate (3-6 Mets)(1.4±0.8 vs 2.2±0.9 h/d; 5.8±3.1 vs 9.2±3.9% of daily hours) compared with hea…