Steppes of Southern Siberia - Experiences from the 6th EDGG Research Expedition to Khakassia, Russia (22 July – 1 August 2013)
The 6th EDGG Research Expedition took place in summer 2013 in the Kuznetsky Alatau Mountains, part of the Altai-Sayanian mountain region (Republic of Khakassia, Russia). A group of 14 scientists from seven countries studied the variety of steppe vegetation in two regions of the "Khakassky" Reserve – Lake Itkul (Shira region) and Podzaploty (Ordzhenikidzevsky region). Standardised sampling procedures including nested-plot series and phytosociological relevés of 10-m2 plots were used to sample steppes of European-Siberian (Festuco-Brometea) and Central Asian (Cleistogenetea squarrosae) types. All terricolous plants present in the plots were sampled, including perennial and annual vascular pla…