Pedro Serrano Sánchez

Palatal perforations secondary to inhaled cocaine abuse: presentation of five cases

The estimated incidence of complications associated with cocaine abuse is 4.8%. Palatal perforation is a very infrequent condition within the range of complications associated with cocaine abuse. No epidemiological cha- racteristics relating to patient age or gender have been established, and the diagnosis of the disorder requires a detailed clinical history, including antecedents of cocaine abuse. The clinical and radiological studies show palatal bone erosion and perforation of the soft or hard palate. The present study describes five cases of palatal perforation secondary to inhaled cocaine abuse. As a result of the increase in cocaine use in recent years, particularly among young adults…

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Drug-induced oral lichenoid reactions: a literature review

The terms oral lichenoid reactions or oral lichenoid lesions refer to lesions histologically and clinically similar to oral lichen planus, though with the particularity that in these cases the underlying cause is identifiable. In addition, these lesions are described according to the causal factor involved, including alterations resulting from direct contact with dental restoration materials, drug-related lesions, and lesions associated to graft-versus-host disease. Drug-induced oral lichenoid reactions or oral lichenoid lesions were first cited in 1971 by Almeyda and Levantine. Since then, many drug substances have been associated with such lesions. The most common agents are nonsteroidal …

research product

Estudio bucodental y salival en una población de diabéticos tipos 2 y su relación con el estrés oxidativo

La diabetes mellitus es un trastorno metabólico muy frecuente. Además, si sigue la tendencia actual, su prevalencia en el 2030 aumentará en un 50%. En la actualidad, la comprensión de su etiopatogenia, evolución y tratamiento continúa siendo tema de discusión, sus criterios diagnósticos han sido nuevamente adoptados y aún no son universales. A lo largo de la evolución de esta enfermedad se producen complicaciones secundarias consecuentes, principalmente, al mantenimiento de la glucemia elevada en el organismo durante largos y frecuentes periodos de tiempo. Nuestro trabajo ha consistido en un estudio de la salud bucodental de diabéticos tipo 2 y constatar la presencia de sustancias antioxida…

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