Antonio Gioacchino Spagnolo
Il dolore dipinto: l'espressione della sofferenza nell'arte figurativa
Our study examines several autobiographical works that express life lived, a privileged access key to understand suffering people and the afflicted, and which reveal the ethico-anthropological dimension of medicine.
The wounded self-portrait as an expression of the experiential dimension of disease
The present article aims at giving an ethical-anthropological interpretation of the body wounded by the disease, under the perspective of the wounded self-portrait, a genre selected by some artists who, between the nineteenth and the twentieth century, pictured their physical or psychological malaise (Van Gogh, Kahlo, Munch, Bacon, Klee). Getting acquainted with artistic language, particularly when it arises from personal experience, has an educational value for healthcare professional, as it helps to catch “the history from below”, as Roy Porter called it, which is the history from the patient’s perspective. Dans cet article les auteurs donnent une interprétation anthropologique au corps h…