Arne Neyrinck
FVIII production by human lung microvascular endothelial cells
While extrahepatic factor VIII (FVIII) synthesis suffices for hemostasis, the extrahepatic production sites are not well defined. We therefore investigated the ability of the human lungs to produce FVIII. Lungs from heart-beating donors who were declined for transplantation were perfused and ventilated in an isolated reperfusion model for 2 hours. A progressive accumulation of FVIII and von Willebrand factor (VWF) was recorded in the perfusion medium in 3 of 4 experiments. By contrast, factor V, fibrinogen, and immunoglobulin G (IgG) levels remained constant during the perfusion period, indicating that the accumulation of FVIII and VWF was not due to diffusion from the intercellular medium …
Protective intraoperative ventilation with higher versus lower levels of positive end-expiratory pressure in obese patients (PROBESE): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
Background Postoperative pulmonary complications (PPCs) increase the morbidity and mortality of surgery in obese patients. High levels of positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) with lung recruitment maneuvers may improve intraoperative respiratory function, but they can also compromise hemodynamics, and the effects on PPCs are uncertain. We hypothesized that intraoperative mechanical ventilation using high PEEP with periodic recruitment maneuvers, as compared with low PEEP without recruitment maneuvers, prevents PPCs in obese patients. Methods/design The PRotective Ventilation with Higher versus Lower PEEP during General Anesthesia for Surgery in OBESE Patients (PROBESE) study is a multice…