María Cristina Cervale

Consumatori, contratti e imprese, tra regole giuridiche e regole di mercato

Il ruolo che il consumatore ha acquisito all’interno della società non è soltanto economico ma è anche giuridico perché il consumatore, in quanto soggetto debole, è divenuto il destinatario di un microsistema di norme che tendono a tutelarlo nella contrattazione e nel rapporto con gli imprenditori. Il codice civile del 1942, che pure prevede al suo interno istituti giuridici volti a disciplinare i casi in cui si creino delle disparità e delle asimmetrie nella contrattazione con l’imprenditore, lascia spazio al codice del consum

research product

Proprietà collettiva, usi civici e ordinamento civile in italia

Collective ownership, in its various manifestations dating back over time that have as their object the belonging, use, management of large portions of land for agricultural, pasture or woodland purposes, constitutes another way of possessing these assets by communities concerned, so as to allow the collective use of some real estate while assuring the conservation of the natural environment as a heritage of man and the society in which he lives. Collective ownership, also known as ?civic uses?, has been the subject of important decisions made by Constitutional Court which recognized its belonging to the civil system of Italy, being them real rights relating to real estate. Recently, the le…

research product

Gli organismi di composizione della crisi da sovraindebitamento

The current economic contest makes the gearing more and more frequent for operators, entrepreneurs and those who are not entrepreneurs. This makes necessary to provide some legal procedures that have to be “new”, compared to the past: they have to be able to resolve and to get over the “crisis from over-gearing of the debtors”. In these procedures, a very important role is given to bodies made of professionals, such as lawyers, accountants, notaries. In this way born the “bodies of composition for the crisis of over-gearing”, which cooperate with the judge in order to remove the accumuluted debts from the debtor and to protect the unpaid creditors.

research product