A Miorelli
Gene X cannabis interaction: Case-only design analysis in a first-episode psychosis sample
Educational achievement, cannabis use, and genotype in predicting psychosis
Is cerebral asymmetry associated with serotonin transporter in psychosis?
A first episode psychosis case-control genetic association study
Background:GAP(genesandpsychosis) is a case-control studyof first episode psychosis conducted in London and Cambridge, which aims to identify genes conferring susceptibility to psychosis, and associated phenotypes including cognitive dysfunction and cerebral morphology. Methods:First episode psychosis cases have been recruited in South London and Maudsley NHS Trust and in Cambridge. A variety of demographic and clinical data have been collected. In a subset of these, neurocognitive assessments and MRIs have been performed. Samples have been taken for DNA, and in a subset for RNA and proteomic analysis. Genetic association analysis is being undertaken using a candidate gene approach. The gen…