Jérémy Astier
Role of nitric oxide synthase (NOS) of Klebsormidium nitens: Identification and characterization of partners
National audience; Nitric oxide (NO) is an important cellular signaling molecule across kingdoms. During bioticor abiotic stresses, NO burst is detected in both plants and mammals although no sequenceencoding the well described mammalian NO synthase (NOS) is highlighted in plants. Comparedto terrestrial plants, some algae present transcripts encoding the NOS-like enzyme. Amongthem, Klebsormidium nitens the model alga to study the early transition step from aquatic algaeto land plants is found. As mechanisms governing NO synthesis and signaling in green lineageremain unclear, the study of NOS from K. nitens (KnNOS) through (i) the identification ofregulator proteins, (ii) the identification …
Role of nitric oxide synthases from Klebsormidium nitens: structural characterization and identification of protein partners
Nitric oxide (NO) is an important cellular signalling molecule regulating various physiological processes, in both animals andplants. In animals, NO synthesis is mainly catalysed by NO synthase (NOS) enzymes. During biotic or abiotic stresses, NOSlike activities that are sensitive to mammalian NOS inhibitors have been detected in plants, although no sequences encodingthe well described mammalian NOS are highlighted in land plants. Interestingly, we identified NOS-like sequences in 20 algaespecies. Among them, NOSs are found in Klebsormidium nitens the model alga to study the early transition step from aquaticalgae to land plants.As mechanisms governing NO synthesis and signalling in green l…
Role of nitric oxide synthases from klebsormidium nitens: first structural characterization and partners identification
Objectives: Nitric oxide (NO) is an important cellular signaling molecule regulating various physiologicalprocesses, in both animals and plants. In animals, NO synthesis is mainly catalyzed by NO synthase(NOS) enzymes. In plants, NOS-like activities sensitive to mammalian NOS inhibitors have beenmeasured, although no sequences encoding mammalian NOSs have been found in land plants.Interestingly, we identified NOS-like sequences in 20 algae species. These latter include thefilamentous charophyte green algae Klebsormidium nitens, a biological model to study the earlytransition step from aquatic algae to land plants. In order to understand the mechanisms governingNO synthesis and signaling in …
Nitric oxide synthase in plants: Where do we stand?
International audience
Nitric oxide production and signalling in algae
International audience
Nitric oxide signaling in plants: cross-talk with Ca2+, protein kinases and reactive oxygen species
Production et signalisation dépendante du monoxyde d'azote dans la lignée verte la surprise des microalgues
National audience