M. L. Saladino

Portable Spectroscopic Techniques for the Non-invasive Identification of two historical yellow pigments: Applications and Practical Challenges

Abstract Decades of technological advances in instrumental analysis have transformed many techniques from laboratory in portable analytical tools with increasing their applicability in situ to the study of cultural heritage. It is known that the painting realisation varies from artist to artist, and the identification of the pigments provides a decisive contribution to trace their authenticity and to support an appropriate restoration work. However, in some cases, due to the complexity of painting composition, it is difficult to distinguish between pigments having a similar chemical composition and colour. Here, a systematic study through combined use of portable non-invasive spectroscopic …

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Effect of preparation method on the properties of poly(methyl methacrylate)/mesoporous silica composites

The preparation method of a polymer composite and the filler loading are amongst the factors that influence the properties of the final composites. This article studies the effect of these factors on the thermal stability and thermal degradation kinetics of poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA)/mesoporous silica (MCM-41) composites filled with small amounts of MCM-41. The PMMA/MCM-41 composites were prepared through in situ polymerisation and melt mixing methods, with MCM-41 loadings of 0.1, 0.3, and 0.5 wt.%. The presence of MCM-41 increased the thermal stability of PMMA/MCM-41 composites prepared by melt mixing, but in the case of the in situ polymerised samples, the MCM-41 accelerated the deg…

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Confined environments for the preparation of Luminescent nanophosphors

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Laboratory of X-ray Fluorescence (XRF)

In this laboratory activity, the X-ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy technique is introduced. The goal of the laboratory is to show to the students the theory and the applications of the above technique in the field of underwater archaeology. After a brief introduction about the theory and the instrumentations, some case studies are showed. The students thus see the practice application of the portable XRF Tracer III SD Bruker AXS spectrometer having a Rhodium tube as an X-ray generator and a silicon drift XFlash ® with Peltier cooling system as a detector to some finds saved at the Museo Archeologico Antiquarium ex Stabilimento Florio delle tonnare di Favignana e Formica. The identification of…

research product

Laboratory of FORS and MO

In this laboratory activity, the Fiber Optic Reflectance Spectroscopy (FORS) and the Optical Microscopy (MO) techniques will be introduced. After a brief introduction about the theory, instrumentations and applications of both techniques, the students will see the application of the following equipment: -Digivision 1.3 megapixel USB digital optical microscope -Ocean Optics USB2000 + XR1 portable reflection UV-vis spectrophotometer with DH-mini UV-Vis-NIR source and reflection probe. The acquisition of MO images and of FORS spectra will be performed on pigments of some archeological ceramics, stones with and without a protective and on patina of metal alloys. The MO images of each artifacts …

research product

Gli affreschi provenienti dalle terme romane di Reggio Calabria. Dalla conoscenza al restauro

The frescoes at marine thermae discovered in 1886 during the excavation of the small thermal complex dating between the 1th and 3rd century AD, and located on the seafront of Reggio Calabria, have been collected already collapsed. They are currently part of the permanent exhibition of the National Archaeological Museum of Reggio Calabria. This paper illustrates the results of the restoration intervention, carried out in the form of an educational activity in the context of an agreement signed between the MarRC and the University of Calabria, and the results of the diagnostic investigations carried out by the IPCF-CNR of Messina and the STEBICEF department of the University of Palermo.

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Gold nanoparticles and their influence for spectroscopic properties of YAGG:Cr-Ce-Pr

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Luminescent inks based on Eu:PO4 nanoparticles and polyvinyl alcohol for anti-counterfeiting

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Influence of the grain-size on the energy tranfer between Ce, Cr3+ and Pr3+ in Y3Al2Ga3O12:Ce3+, Cr3+, Pr3+ nanophospors

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A database for historical pigments through handheld instrumentation

Portable instrumentation is largely used in archaeometry for in-field measurements at museums and archaeological sites. The historic evolution of pigments is closely related to the technology developments in past cultures and provides relevant clues regarding their knowledge advancement. Here, a systematic study of 26 historical powdered pigments was carried out through a combined handheld instrumentation for X-ray Fluorescence. Chemical identification was carried out through a set of instrumentation produced by different manufacturers. Their performances are compared on the same set of samples to identify best practices for the study of historical pigments. A database of organic and inorga…

research product

Influenza della tecnica di estinzione pirolitica sulla capacità di campo di due biochar

Il biochar è un materiale poroso ottenuto per degradazione termica di biomasse vegetali ed animali in assenza o scarsità di ossigeno (pirolisi). Attualmente in letteratura si trovano molti studi che riportano degli effetti nel miglioramento della fertilità dei suoli dopo applicazione di questo materiale. Tuttavia è anche riportato che applicazioni di biochar ai suoli possono risultare in un decremento della fertilità. Il punto cruciale nell’uso del biochar per il miglioramento della qualità dei suoli è nella sua caratterizzazione, ovvero nella valutazione delle sue caratteristiche chimiche e chimico-fisiche che possono influenzare il suo effetto nei suoli. Parametri molto importanti che def…

research product

New insight on metal finds of the Punic Ship of Lilibeum

In this paper, the investigation of some finds (two nails, a head and a long shaft nail, and a fragment of Lead sheathing) belonging to the wreck of the Punic ship and exhibited at Museo Archeologico Regionale Lilibeo (Trapani, Italy), is reported. The X-ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy (XRF) allowed us to identify the elements constituting them making some discussion deductions about their composition and degradation occurred.

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