Low temperature optical spectroscopy of cobalt-substituted hemocyanin from Carcinus maenas
In this work we report the optical absorption spectra of three cobalt-substituted derivatives of hemocyanin (He) from Carcinus maenas, in the temperature range 300–20 K. The derivatives studied are the mononuclear (Co2+)-He with a single cobalt ion in the “CuA” site, the binuclear (Co2+)2-He and the binuclear mixed metal (Co2+-Cu1+)-He. At low temperature three main bands are clearly resolved; the temperature dependence of their zeroth, first and second moments sheds light on the stereodynamic properties in the surroundings of the chromophore. Within the limits of the reported analysis, in the binuclear derivatives the motions coupled to the chromophore appear to be “essentially harmonic” i…