Fluctuations in “Brown-Rho scaled” chiral Lagrangians
We develop arguments for ``mapping'' the effective chiral Lagrangian whose parameters are given by ``Brown-Rho'' (BR) scaling to a Landau Fermi-liquid fixed-point theory for nuclear matter in describing fluctuations in various flavor (e.g., strangeness) directions. We use for this purpose the effective Lagrangian used by Furnstahl, Tang, and Serot that incorporates the trace anomaly of QCD in terms of a light-quark (quarkonium) degree of freedom with the heavy (gluonium) degree of freedom integrated out. The large anomalous dimension ${d}_{\mathrm{an}}\ensuremath{\approx}5/3$ for the scalar field found by Furnstahl et al. to be needed for a correct description of nuclear matter is interpret…