R. Katajanheimo
Low-energy rotational bands in the nucleus155Eu
Excited states in the nucleus155Eu have been produced during in-beam bombardments of a154Sm target with3He beams at 22 and 27 MeV. Decay gamma rays were detected using coincidence equipment optimized for low-energy photons. The level scheme is based on the observedγγ-coincidence relationships combined with the information on relative intensities. Tentatively suggested spin assignments follow from the apparent rotational character of the nucleus. Experimental observations are compared with predictions calculated from a particle-rotor model with a nonspheroidal Woods-Saxon potential.
Low-lying excitations in the odd-odd nucleus154Eu
The doubly odd nucleus154Eu was produced during in-beam bombardments of a154Sm target with3He and deuteron beams at 27 and 10 MeV. The resulting gamma-rays were investigated using prompt and delayed gamma-gamma-coincidence equipment. The half-life of the isomeric 2+ level was determined as 2.2±0.1 μs. The partial level scheme, including numerous previously unidentified excitations, can be divided into two separate groups of levels. The results provide evidence for the existence of a very regular ground band and two rather regularK=3 level structures, whose configurations are closely related to it. In addition, several rotational sequences built on the band heads with otherK values have been…
Remeasurement of the Lifetime of the Isomeric 9/2+State in155Dy
The isomeric 9/2+ state at 132.2 keV in the nucleus 155Dy has been populated through 3He bombardment (E = 27 MeV) of a 155Gd target. The half-life of the the 9/2+ level has been determined as 51 ± 3 ns. The decay modes of the 11/2-, 234.2 keV level have been confirmed. For both levels the hindrance factors calculated with the particle-rotor model have been compared with other predictions available.
The Isomeric 9/2+and the Lowest 7/2-State in the Weakly Deformed N = 89 Nuclei
The decays of the isomeric 9/2+ states which have been produced by (d, pγ) and (3He, xnγ) reactions, have been investigated in three N = 89 nuclei. The half-lives have been determined to be 5.1 ± 0.3 ns in 149Nd and 3.5 ± 0.4 μs in 153Gd. In 155Dy a 5.5 ns half-life was found, but we were unable to assign it to the 9/2+ state. The calculated E1 transition probability from the 9/2+ state has been used as a probe in suggesting the following main components for the lowest-lying 7/2- state: 7/2 5/2-[523] in 149Nd, 7/2 3/2-[521] in 153Gd and 7/2 3/2-[521] in 155Dy. The corresponding 7/2- state in 151Sm is proposed to be 7/2{1}3/2-[532] + 5/2-[523]{1}. All calculations have been performed using a…
Low-lying levels in the nuclei151Nd and155Sm
Decay properties of excited states in the151Nd and155Sm nuclei produced by 10 MeV douterons have been investigated with in-beam gamma-gamma-coincidence equipment during bombardment of the150Nd and154Sm targets. The results largely confirm the data obtained earlier for these nuclei. The (d, p γ) reaction channel favors population of odd-parity low-spin levels, whose energies follow the rule of regular band structure for well-deformed nuclei. The level schemes are interpreted with calculations using an axial particle-rotor model with a Woods-Saxon potential.
Level structure of170Er observed in the decay of the 2.76 min170Ho
TheΒ−-decay of the longer-lived170Ho isomer produced through the170Er(n, p)170Ho reaction has been investigated by using a versastile detector and coincidence equipment. The half-life andΒ−-decay energy were determined to beT1/2=2.76±0.05 min andQβ =3.85±0.15 MeV, respectively. In addition to the ground state band and some higher energy levels, the proposed level scheme of170Er contains 11 states between 1.0 and 1.6 MeV (6 new ones), which are connected mutually by previously unknown low-energy transitions. Spin and/or parity assignments based mainly on coincidence data and multipolarity determinations are suggested for most of these states. By using systematic considerations and the nuclea…
Particle-Rotor Model Study of the Transitional N = 89 and Some N = 91-95 Nuclei
A particle-rotor model with a nonspheroidal axial and reflection symmetric Woods-Saxon potential has been used to describe the rotational bands and gamma branching ratios in some odd-mass nuclei with 95 to 89 neutrons. Systematics of the deformation parameters have been found by calculations in the well-deformed region. The model is capable of giving a systematic classification of the low-lying odd-parity excitations in the N = 91 and expecially in the N = 89 nuclei. An important result is the identification of the 7/2+, 3/2+ and 5/2+ members of the 3/2+[651] side band in the weakly deformed nuclei. These discoveries also provide a reliable foundation for the classification of other low-spi…
States of167Ho from the decay of neutron rich nuclide167Dy
Theβ −-decay of 66 167 Dy produced through the fast neutron reaction170Er(n, α)167Dy has been investigated by using several kinds of detectors and a high-capacity two-parameter recording system. The half-life andβ −-decay energy of167Dy were determined to beT 1/2 = 6.20 ± 0.08min andQ β-=2.35±0.06, respectively. The observed level scheme of 67 167 Ho (completely unknown previously) contains 12 states, among them a 6.0±0.1 μsM2 isomer at 259.3 keV. On the basis of theoretical and systematic considerations combined with multipole determinations, the following Nilsson model assignments are proposed for the lowest states of167Ho: 0 keV (7−/2 [523]), 259.3 keV (3+/2[411]), 319.8 keV (5/2 3+/2[41…