Ana Nanette Tibubos
Health Information Seeking Among University Students Before and During the Corona Crisis—Findings From Germany
Health information-seeking behavior is the process of gathering information about health and disease and can be influential for health-related perception and behavior. University students are an important target group for prevention and health promotion and largely belong to an age group that is considered to play a leading role in propagating the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic in Germany. The paper deals with students' health information-seeking behavior before and during the corona crisis, aiming to give insights into its determinants and implications. Using the example of a large German comprehensive university and based on two cross-sectional surveys in the summer of 2019 (n = 4,351) and 2020 (n =…
Psychological distress among refugees in Germany: a cross-sectional analysis of individual and contextual risk factors and potential consequences for integration using a nationally representative survey
Objectives Responding to the mental health needs of refugees remains a pressing challenge worldwide. We estimated the prevalence of psychological distress in a large refugee population in Germany and assessed its association with host country factors amenable to policy intervention and integration indicators.Design A cross-sectional and population-based secondary analysis of the 2017 wave of the IAB-BAMF-SOEP refugee survey.Setting Germany.Participants 2639 adult refugees who arrived in Germany between 2013 and 2016.Main outcome measures Psychological distress involving symptoms of depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder was measured using the Refugee Health Screener-13.Resul…
Prävalenz von Internetsucht vor und während der COVID-19 Pandemie unter Studierenden der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
Zusammenfassung Ziel der Studie Internetsucht ist eine Verhaltensstörung, von welcher v. a. Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene, unter ihnen auch Studierende an Hochschulen betroffen sind. Die COVID-19 Pandemie führte aufgrund der Maßnahmen zu ihrer Eindämmung zu starken Einbußen sozialer Beziehungen, Studium und Freizeitaktivitäten der Studierenden. Diese Studie untersuchte, wie hoch die Prävalenz der Internetsucht unter Studierenden vor und während der COVID-19 Pandemie ausfällt und welche soziodemografischen (Geschlecht, Fachgruppe) und Gesundheitsfaktoren (Depressionssymptome, Einsamkeit, Ängste, Impulsivität) mit Internetsuchtsymptomen assoziiert sind. Methodik In der vorliegenden Studie …